
  • LED: Cree XP-E R2
  • Battery: 10440 or AAA (not included)
  • Driver: Unregulated PWM
  • UI: 3 modes (high, low, strobe)
  • Reflector Type: SMO
  • Thermal Regulation: Wat?

First impressions:
Very smooth and slippery, very small in hand, almost hard to hold.

Threads are NOT smooth at all as they didn't come oiled! Build quality is typically what you would see in crappy amazon lights lol. Although it actually lasted 10 years which the same can't be said for those cheap zoomies.

Usage notes:
This is one of the earlier lights in my collection, somewhere from 2009-2011, I can't remember, there was a golden ring between the head and body tube but that was always causing flickering issues so I removed it permanently. It was amazingly bright at the time of purchase with a 10440 battery, but there are better 10440 lights now with much much better quality.
There is no regulation whatsoever so brightness goes down with battery voltage and there is no voltage cut off for lion batteries which is not good.
This light is probably on its last leg, and the only reason i'm keeping it is because its one of the first "real" flashlights i've gotten. I even lost it for about a year or 2, and was considering buying another even though there were much better 10440 lights out there because I wanted to keep the nostalgia . I desperately need to take it apart, clean it, grease it and put it back together and see if it resolves the intermittent flickering issues.

1x 10440 (still holding up after 10 years lol)

Brightness Perf:

  • Low: 13 Lumens
  • High: 140 Lumens
  • Max Lumens @30s: 109 Lumens
  • Max Sustained Lumens: 100* (goes down with battery voltage but does not throttle)

10 year old 10440 battery used for these tests

Was a good buy at the time, decent lumens, although build quality is really bad. I really liked the form factor and design.


  • Small (at least at release)
  • Looks good
  • Decent output (for 10 years ago)
  • Still works after 10 years


  • Build quality lacking
  • Flickering issues
  • Visible PWN on Low
  • Abrasive threads
  • Much better options now

FC11 (Turbo) vs F23 (Low) *Visible PWM
FC11 (Turbo) vs F23 High)